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The program QUALITY is a variant of the Minimum χ2 (MC) method described by Taswell [1] for limiting dilution assays, and for which he has demonstrated by simulation desirable properties of minimum variance (i.e., high precision) and minimum bias. Our method modifies the MC method to allow the user to specify the probabilities of a false negative and false positive PCR.

The program, and the methods used, are described in detail in Rodrigo et al. [2]. An overview is available in PDF formats.

  1. Taswell, C. 1981. Limiting dilution assays for the determination of immunocompetent cell frequencies. J. Immunol. 126:1614-1619.
  2. Rodrigo, A.G., P.C. Goracke, K. Rowhanian, and J.I. Mullins. 1997. Quantitation of target molecules from PCR-based limiting dilution assays. AIDS Res. Human Retrovir. 13:737-742.


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